P- Palliser, Esther (born 1872)
Born in Philadelphia, Pa Was with the company from 1889 to 1891 Roles played: Gianetta
- Palmay, Ilka von (born 1864)
 Born Ilka Petrass in Kaschau, Hungary on 21st September Was with the company from 1896 to 1897 Created the role of Julia in "The Grand Duke Other roles: played: Elsie Maynard
- Palmer, Christene
 Born in Geelong, Australia Married to Norman W Wright Was with the company from 1965 to 1971 Roles played: Little Buttercup, Ruth (Pirates), Lady Jane, Fairy Queen, Lady Blanche, Katisha, Dame Hannah, Dame Carruthers and Duchess of Plaza-Toro
- Palmer, David
 Born in London Married Ann Hood (marriage dissolved) Was with the company from 1963 to 1967 Roles played: Box, Ralph Rackstraw, Frederic, Duke of Dunstable, Tolloller, Cyril, Nanki-Poo, Richard Dauntless, Leonard Meryll, Francesco, Luiz and Marco
- Parkes, CliffordBorn in Staffordshire
Was with the company from 1965 to 1969 Roles played: Foreman of Jury, Usher, Bob Becket, Pirate King, Colonel Calverley, Go-To, Mikado, Old Adam, 2nd Yeomen, Sergeant Meryll and Giorgio He was later with the Royal Opera, Covent Garden
- Passmore, Walter (1867 - 1946)
 Born in London 10th May Married to Agnes Fraser Was with the company from 1893 to 1903 Created the roles of Tarara in "Utopia Limited" and Rudolph in "The Grand Duke" Other roles played: Usher, J.W. Wells, Sir Joseph Porter, Sergeant of Police, Reginald Bunthorne, Lord Chancellor, Ko-Ko, Jack Point, Don Alhambra and King Paramount
- Paul, Mrs Howard (1833 - 1879)
Born Isabella Featherstone in Dartford Was with the company from 1877 to 1878 Created the role of Lady Sangazure
- Penley, William Sydney (1851 - 1912)Born in Margate on 19th November
Was with the company from 1875 to 1877; 1879 and 1891 Roles played: Foreman, Judge, Sir Joseph Porter
- Perry, Florence (1869 - 1949)
Was with the company from 1890 to 1898 Created the roles of Princess Kalyba and Lisa Other roles played: Josephine, Phyllis, Yum-Yum, Phoebe Meryll, Gianetta and Julia Jellicoe
- Pert, Jill
Born in London Was with the company from 1978 to 1982 Roles played: Little Buttercup, Edith, Fairy Queen, Katisha and Inez
- Pointer, Sidney (1889 - 1955)
Was with the company from 1923 to 1926 Roles played: Defendant, Ralph Rackstraw, Frederic, Duke of Dunstable, Earl Tolloller, Cyril, Colonel Fairfax and Marco
- Porter, DavidMarried to Pamela Field
Was with the company from 1972 to 1975 Roles played: Bob Becket, Pirate King, Mountararat, Giorgio and Blushington
- Potter, Philip (born 1936)
 Born in Leicester 6th February Was with the company from 1961 to 1971 and 1979 (Australian tour) Roles played: Defendant, Frederic, Duke of Dunstable, Tolloller, Hilarion, Nanki-Poo, Richard Dauntless, Colonel Fairfax and Luiz
- Pounds, Courtice (1862 - 1927)
 Born Charles Courtice Pounds in London 30th May Married 1) Jessie Gaston-Murray 2) Millicent Pine Was with the company from 1881 to 1895 Created the roles of Colonel Fairfax in "The Yeomen of the Guard" and Marco in "The Gondoliers" Other roles played Defendant, Ralph Rackstraw, Tolloller; Hilarion, Nanki-Poo and Richard Dauntless
- Pounds, Jessie Formerly sang in the name of Jessie Gaston
Married to Courtice Pounds Was with the company from 1885 to 1886, 1891 to 1892 and 1898 to 1901 Roles played: Mrs Partlet, Ruth (Pirates), Lady Jane and Inez
- Pounds, Louie
 - Born in Kensington, London
Was with company from 1899 to 1903 Roles played: Kate (Pirates) and Iolanthe Sister of Courtice Pounds
- Power, George (1846 -1928)
Was with the company from 1878 to 1881 Created the roles of Ralph Rackstraw in "HMS Pinafore" and Frederic in "The Pirates of Penzance" Other roles played: Defendant and Alexis He later became Sir George Power (Bart.)
- Pratt, Peter (1923 - 1995)
 Born in Eastbourne 23rd March Married 1) Joyce Wright 2) Patience Sheffield (daughter of Leo Sheffield) Was with the company from 1945 to 1959 Roles played: Bouncer; Boatswain, Sir Joseph Porter, General Stanley, Reginald Bunthorne, Major Murgatroyd, Lord Chancellor, Go~To, Ko-Ko, Robin Oakapple, 2nd Citizen, Jack Point, Antonio, Duke of Plaza-Toro
- Prendergast, Glynis
- Was with company from 1975 to 1977
Roles played: Plaintiff, Mabel, Lady Ella, Ceilia, Chloe, Yum-Yum, Rose Maybud and Fiametta
- Preston, Tatiana
 - Was with company from 1952 to 1954
Roles played: Phyllis, Yum-Yum, Rose Maybud and Casilda
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