Artistes Index

Jackson, Susan(Next)
Was with the company from 1967 to 1969
Roles played: Josephine, Patience, Phyllis, Rose Maybud and Gianetta

Jay, Isabel (1879 - 1927(Photos)
Born in Wandsworth on 17th October
Was with the company from 1897 to 1902
Roles played: Plaintiff, Aline, Mabel, Phyllis, Yum-Yum, Elsie Maynard, Casilda and Gianetta

Jones, Ceinwen
Married to Herbert Newby
Was with the company from 1946 to 1963
Roles played: Kate (Pirates), Leila, Vittoria and Inez

Jones, Gareth(Photos)
Born in Tredegar, Monmouth
Married Vivian Tierney (marriage dissolved)
Was with the company from 1973 to 1979
Roles played: Cox, Bouncer, Counsel, Boatswain, Captain Corcoran, Strephon, Pooh-Bah, 2nd Yeoman, Lieutenant of the Tower and Giuseppe

Jones, Peggy Ann (born 1939)(Photos)
Born in Newark
Was with the company from 1958 to 1973
Roles played: Mrs. Partlet, Hebe, Kate (Pirates), Edith, Lady Saphir, Lady Angela, Fleta, Iolanthe, Peep-Bo, Pitti-Sing, Ruth (Ruddigore). Mad Margaret, Phoebe Meryll and Tessa

Joran, Pauline(Photos)
Appeared with the company in "The Beauty Stone" in 1898

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